Модуль:Chemistry Lookup: различия между версиями
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Текущая версия от 12:11, 27 февраля 2025
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local prototypes = mw.loadData("Module:Chemistry Lookup/data") local p = {} p.chem = prototypes.chem p.react = prototypes.react p.groupDirection = prototypes.groupDirection function p.readscalar(frame) return mw.text.nowiki(p.chem[frame.args[1]][frame.args[2]]) end function p.readscalarreact(frame) if p.react[frame.args[1]][frame.args[2]] ~= nil then return mw.text.nowiki(p.react[frame.args[1]][frame.args[2]]) else return "" end end function p.getcolor(frame) return mw.text.nowiki(p.chem[frame.args[1]].color:sub(1, 7)) end function p.gettextcolor(frame) local basecol = p.chem[frame.args[1]].color local red = tonumber(basecol:sub(2, 3), 16) local grn = tonumber(basecol:sub(4, 5), 16) local blu = tonumber(basecol:sub(6, 7), 16) local luminance = math.sqrt(0.241*red*red + 0.691*grn*grn + 0.068*blu*blu) if luminance > 100 then return mw.text.nowiki("#000") else return mw.text.nowiki("#FFF") end end function p.hasrecipe(frame) return p.chem[frame.args[1]]["recipes"][1] ~= nil end function p.buildboxes(frame) local out = "" local group = frame.args[1] for k in pairs(p.chem) do if p.chem[k].group == group then out = out .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Chembox", args = { prototype = k }} elseif group == nil then out = out .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Chembox", args = { prototype = k }} end end return out end function p.buildreactboxes(frame) local out = "" for k in pairs(p.react) do if tablelength(p.react[k].effects) ~= 0 then out = out .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Reactionbox", args = { reaction = k }} end end return out end function p.buildrecipes(frame) local chem = frame.args[1] local out = "" for id, recipe in pairs(p.chem[chem].recipes) do out = out .. p.buildreaction(frame, recipe) end return out end function p.buildreactionext(frame) local react = frame.args[1] return p.buildreaction(frame, react) end function p.buildreaction(frame, react) local data = p.react[react] local dest = "Chemistry" local args = {} local i = 0 for k,v in pairs(data.reactants) do i = i + 1 local dest = "Chemistry" if (p.groupDirection[p.chem[k].group] ~= nil) then dest = p.groupDirection[p.chem[k].group] end args["component-" .. i] = frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Chem Recipe Component", args = { reagent = k, amount = v.amount, dest = dest }} end i = 0 for k,v in pairs(data.products) do i = i + 1 local dest = "Chemistry" if (p.groupDirection[p.chem[k].group] ~= nil) then dest = p.groupDirection[p.chem[k].group] end args["result-" .. i] = frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Chem Recipe Component", args = { reagent = k, amount = v, dest = dest }} end if data.effects ~= nil then args.effects = p.geneffectlist(data.effects, frame, 1) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Chem Box Recipe", args = args } end function p.checksatiatesthirst(frame) local chem = frame.args[1] local met = p.chem[chem].metabolisms if met == nil then return "" end for k, v in pairs(met) do for l, w in pairs(v.effects) do if w.id == "SatiateThirst" then return "1" end end end return "" end function p.checksatiateshunger(frame) local chem = frame.args[1] local met = p.chem[chem].metabolisms if met == nil then return "" end for k, v in pairs(met) do for l, w in pairs(v.effects) do if w.id == "SatiateHunger" then return "1" end end end return "" end function p.haseffects(frame) local chem = frame.args[1] local met = p.chem[chem].metabolisms if met == nil then return "" end for k, v in pairs(met) do for l, w in pairs(v.effects) do if w.id ~= "SatiateHunger" and w.id ~= "SatiateThirst" then return "1" end end end return "" end function p.geneffects(frame, chem) if chem == nil then chem = frame.args[1] end local met = p.chem[chem].metabolisms if met == nil then return "" end local out = "" for k, v in pairs(met) do out = out .. "<b>" .. k .. "</b> (" .. v.rate .. " единиц в секунду)\n" .. p.geneffectlist(v.effects, frame, v.rate) end return out end function p.geneffectlist(effects, frame, rate) local out = "" for l, w in pairs(effects) do -- Popup Message is ignored on purpose if w.id == "HealthChange" then out = out .. ":" .. p.genhealthchange(w, rate, frame) .. "\n" elseif w.id == "AdjustReagent" then out = out .. ":" .. p.genadjustreagent(w, rate, frame) .. "\n" elseif w.id == "FlammableReaction" then out = out .. ":" .. p.genflammablereaction(w, frame) .. "\n" elseif w.id == "AdjustTemperature" then out = out .. ":" .. p.genadjusttemperature(w, frame) .. "\n" elseif w.id == "GenericStatusEffect" then out = out .. ":" .. p.gengenericstatuseffect(w, frame) .. "\n" elseif w.id == "ExplosionReactionEffect" then out = out .. ":" .. p.genexplosionreactioneffect(w, frame) .. "\n" elseif w.id == "FoamAreaReactionEffect" then out = out .. ":" .. p.genfoamareareactioneffect(w, frame) .. "\n" elseif w.id == "SmokeAreaReactionEffect" then out = out .. ":" .. p.gensmokeareareactioneffect(w, frame) .. "\n" elseif w.id == "ModifyBleedAmount" then out = out .. ":" .. p.genmodifybleedamount(w, frame) .. "\n" end end return out end function p.gensmokeareareactioneffect(r, frame) if r.conditions ~= nil then conds = p.genconds(r.conditions, frame) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "SmokeAreaReactionEffect", args = { when = conds, prob = r.probability }} end function p.genfoamareareactioneffect(r, frame) if r.conditions ~= nil then conds = p.genconds(r.conditions, frame) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "FoamAreaReactionEffect", args = { when = conds, prob = r.probability }} end function p.genexplosionreactioneffect(r, frame) if r.conditions ~= nil then conds = p.genconds(r.conditions, frame) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "ExplosionReactionEffect", args = { when = conds, prob = r.probability }} end function p.gengenericstatuseffect(r, frame) if r.conditions ~= nil then conds = p.genconds(r.conditions, frame) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "GenericStatusEffect", args = { key = r.Key, type = r.Type, time = r.Time, refresh = r.Refresh, when = conds, prob = r.probability }} end function p.genadjusttemperature(r, frame) if r.conditions ~= nil then conds = p.genconds(r.conditions, frame) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "AdjustTemperature", args = { amount = r.Amount, when = conds, prob = r.probability }} end function p.genflammablereaction(r, frame) if r.conditions ~= nil then conds = p.genconds(r.conditions, frame) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "FlammableReaction", args = { multiplier = r.Multiplier, when = conds, prob = r.probability }} end function p.genflammablereaction(r, frame) if r.conditions ~= nil then conds = p.genconds(r.conditions, frame) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "FlammableReaction", args = { multiplier = r.Multiplier, when = conds, prob = r.probability }} end function p.genadjustreagent(r, rate, frame) if r.conditions ~= nil then conds = p.genconds(r.conditions, frame) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "AdjustReagent", args = { amount = r.Amount, reagent = r.Reagent, when = conds, prob = r.probability }} end function p.genmodifybleedamount(r, frame) if r.conditions ~= nil then conds = p.genconds(r.conditions, frame) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "ModifyBleedAmount", args = { amount = r.Amount, when = conds, prob = r.probability }} end function p.genhealthchange(h, rate, frame) local healst = {} local dealst = {} local r = 1.0 / rate if h.damage.types ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(h.damage.types) do if v < 0 then healst[k] = v * r else dealst[k] = v * r end end end if h.damage.groups ~= nil then for k, v in pairs(h.damage.groups) do if v < 0 then healst[k] = v * r else dealst[k] = v * r end end end local heals = hchangelist(healst, frame) local deals = hchangelist(dealst, frame) local conds = nil if h.conditions ~= nil then conds = p.genconds(h.conditions, frame) end return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "HealthChange", args = { heals = heals, deals = deals, when = conds, prob = h.probability }} end function hchangelist(l, frame) out = "" local len = tablelength(l) local i = 0 for k, v in pairs(l) do i = i + 1 if len == i and i ~= 1 then out = out .. ", and " elseif i ~= 1 then out = out .. ", " end out = out .. hchange(k, v, frame) end return out end -- So we can make it fancy later function hchange(ty, amnt, frame) return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "HealthModifier", args = { adj = amnt, kind = ty } } end function p.genconds(conds, frame) out = "" local len = tablelength(conds) local i = 0 for k, v in pairs(conds) do i = i + 1 if len == i and i ~= 1 then out = out .. ", and " elseif i ~= 1 then out = out .. ", " end out = out .. p.gencond(v, frame) end return out end function p.gencond(c, frame) if c.id == "TotalDamage" then return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "TotalDamage", args = { min = c.Min, max = c.Max } } elseif c.id == "ReagentThreshold" then return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "ReagentThreshold", args = { min = c.Min, max = c.Max, reagent = c.Reagent } } elseif c.id == "OrganType" then return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "OrganType", args = { shouldhave = c.ShouldHave, type = c.Type } } elseif c.id == "Temperature" then return frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Temperature", args = { min = c.Min, max = c.Max } } end return "" end function tablelength(T) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end function has_value(tab, val) for index, value in ipairs(tab) do if value[1] == val then return true end end return false end function strsplit(inputstr, seperator) if seperator == nil then seperator = "," end local t={} for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..seperator.."]+)") do table.insert(t, str) end return t end return p